Thursday, November 29, 2007

New Year Resolutions

A remark by a friend led me to revisit my old 2006 New Year Resolutions. More specifically one that had me giving up paper. It's going to be two years from that date soon and I've been forced to go back to paper. The primary reason is just the sheer amount of documentation required for audit purposes (or so I have been told) in India.

anyhow It made interesting reading and I hope to put some thought into my resolutions for 2008.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Stratify acquired by Iron Mountain

Bill Burnham has got an interesting blog post here --> The Story of Stratify

about the story behind Stratify and their sale to Iron Mountain. Congrats to the entire team there and our very own Amol who I am sure must be one of the key team members who has been with the company through thick and thin. Congrats guys!!

If not debt, then equity?

Given that my last post discourages entrepreneurs from raising debt apart from a few specific cases namely:- 1. Very high ROCE low risk bus...